Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Communities of Practice: Knowledge Capital Optimization


Successful business must reflect the needs of the market. To achieve this goal, companies are exploring their intellectual capital within the organization - these valuable knowledge, previously buried in the electronic media, print documents and books, as well as people "brain" of knowledge, and in need of its local and time sharing this knowledge. These valuable resources can be recorded, for example, process, practice manuals stored in the electronic media; or stored in people's brains, there will be a group with common interests into a network of communities. This approach allows the "community of practice (communities of practice; CoPs)" in the sharing of knowledge can play its role when needed.

IBM conducted a survey of some companies, these companies implemented a series of improvements identified in the company (identify), find (locate), and sharing (share) knowledge of the design project. All the measures are committed to making it easier for users to search specifically in the complex knowledge base of knowledge, they often use such as network, application software components, specify the type of technology portal.

We found that those who seek to improve the knowledge and use of resources firms face the following challenges:
鈥?The structure and update the knowledge base of content, lack of resources. But if knowledge is difficult to find or outdated, users will no longer visit because of disappointment this site.
鈥?There is no mechanism to confirm the content is correct. Content alone can not guarantee the correctness or associated with the user.
* The information in the Knowledge Base, do not have enough relevant content. Typically, if the user does not understand how to develop knowledge and knowledge of why it is so important, they are difficult to make use of the available data.
* Personal reluctant to contribute content. As the employee's contribution can not be determined whether they can be Renke, and their knowledge will it be Shidangshiyong, Huo others Shipi Hui Ti Gong and Ta Men need relevant content, so Tamen often time and Jing Li Xiang Bu Xiang Hua Knowledge Fasong knowledge.

To overcome these challenges and effective development of intellectual capital, we find that some companies are looking for and supporting the informal organizations or individuals, members of a similar type of relevant work activities and interests.

These communities of practice (CoPs) often grow in large companies, but they form and structure of the parent company has significant differences. Most of the informal company, frequent changes in the number of people joining the company and individuals involved in community activities varies with the degree. Members of the company tried to cut across traditional corporate boundaries. Communities of Practice (CoPs) are not as common, as the project team, in a given time is directly responsible for the specific delivery of products. On the contrary, the community tends to develop in their own period of time corresponding to the agenda, and according to members of the need to continuously re-defined. Give a typical example, a large number of communities to participate in the formal and informal activities, from educational conferences and seminars to the specific work to address the problem of the daily interaction design.

As communities of practice (CoPs) on intellectual capital creation, sharing and use occupy a key position, many companies - from the World Bank to IBM, have begun to actively encourage and support communities of practice (CoPs), the recent academic and popular articles have emphasized the importance and benefits of these efforts.

Communities of practice there is reason

IBM Institute for Knowledge Management in the study, Lotus Boston University research units and a large number of communities of practice in different industries. We identified four key areas, in these areas, so that the community can help companies use intellectual capital to contribute to operating results for the company.
* To re-use of tangible assets is more likely: the Knowledge-based systems have established a shared "platform", where community members can store and find the specific form of knowledge - tools, white papers, proposals in the past and presentations and so on. And CoPs also ensure the practical knowledge base to meet community needs, such as sorting and filtering the content through the Knowledge Base to ensure that its value to others. In our study the majority of the community, its members are also content services, and their members to actively persuade content services, and identify the basic information related to search and locate files easier. Importantly, many of these communities face to face meetings initiated. In this meeting, interested individuals can recognize the same participants, inspire a sense of trust and shared responsibility. Face to face meeting also approved other people's contributions as an outstanding use of intellectual capital and the importance of new uses for the display window. * Quick response to customer demand: communities of practice (CoPs) to quickly identify the proper subject of professional knowledge in that the best customer advice or provide answers to questions so that you can reduce the query time and cost.
* Reduce the learning curve for new staff and time: In our study of the companies, communities of practice (CoPs) in the company by helping identify those who can answer questions, guide the company's internal resources, subject matter experts to staff "inserted (plugged in) "to the new post of methods, tools and activities is extremely valuable.
* For the products and services to generate new ideas: communities of practice to create a forum for individuals to share ideas on various themes, to encourage staff 娌℃湁 from formal under the pressure of everyday performance of mutual Chuandi ideas and find answers to difficult problems. Most companies in our study, this effect comes from the communities of practice (CoPs) provide an important creative inspiration.

To successful community

When communities of practice in each of the companies it needs to support the types of unique, our research has already identified a number of important areas, in these areas can use some general guidelines.
* The strategic significance of the company resources to focus on communities: in large companies may have hundreds of communities of practice (CoPs). Decision to invest in communities of practice in the company needs to carefully research the company on strategic business objectives to achieve a key Zuoyong types of knowledge, and to focus resources on the most are likely to provide such knowledge of the community.
* To provide for the community interaction of time and space: the parent company to help community members through the establishment of mutual understanding and effective sharing of knowledge will help to support the practice of community social capital (CoPs). Provide resources to ensure face to face at community meetings, and by allowing the technology to create a virtual knowledge base, making the community in the Knowledge Base to store documents and discussions. Most importantly, companies should ensure that individuals have time to participate in communities of practice (CoPs) services - is likely to bring in the future potential of large gains.
* Specify the roles and responsibilities to support the community: According to our study found that most companies, elected or appointed officers to guide the activities of the community and its valuable role - community leader / facilitator, content management, event members and individuals within the community and the community is responsible for promoting communication between, and they also responsible for community education and skills increase.
* Promote community and its success stories: News, e-mail bulletin, company-wide knowledge base and training courses can be used to make people aware of the success of the community and community resources with the availability of interested participants.

Quick self-assessment

Intellectual Capital Management would like to know how they affect your company? How the companies themselves the following questions:

鈥?How to repeated application of intellectual capital elements of the operation of our company's learning actions, and even price strategy? * Customer-facing employees feel that they can use the company's ability to meet the needs of customers go?
* Adopt specific measures to reduce the learning curve for new employees?
鈥?The intellectual capital of our Knowledge Base content is how the wave of timely, accurate and widely used? How do we know?
* Who in the maintenance of our intellectual capital database? Knowledge of content management is the subject of extensive knowledge of the participants it?
* Communities of practice within the company have been very active yet? In what field?
* How to learn about the future members of the community knowledge and involvement?
* How the company officially has a strategic impact on the practice of these communities contribute to the success?

Connect the various parts

Help to foster communities of practice can create, share and use knowledge of the environment, the most important is that it can improve the company's effectiveness, efficiency and innovation. Community help bring people together, to their daily work practice knowledge and their products, tools combine to help solve problems and meet customer needs.

Create communities of practice (CoPs) to converge, companies and virtual place to exchange knowledge, technology plays an important role. Through appropriate development and support, they can serve as an effective knowledge creation and dissemination of corporate capital Road - but also to invest in knowledge management to generate greater returns.

In IBM, we understand that in today's competitive business environment, intellectual capital management complexity. From our customer-related knowledge and content management consulting work, from the IBM knowledge management through collaboration with communities of Research, also from the various communities of practice within IBM (CoPs) to obtain practical experience in learning


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