Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shanghai Qi Cheng is willing to do full-time male white-collar workers, Mr.

鍦ㄢ?鍏ㄨ亴澶お鈥濇閫愭琚ぞ浼氭墍鎺ュ彈鐨勫悓鏃讹紝鎸戞垬涓栦織鐪煎厜鐨勨?鍏ㄨ亴鍏堢敓鈥濆嚭鐜颁簡銆?"Men and women stay home," the traditional family model, by these men to return home voluntarily subvert the ... ...

One in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen 4 carried out a survey
Male white-collar workers, respectively, 22%%, 73%%, 34%%, 32%% of people willing to conditions permit, when the "full-time President."

鍦ㄨ皟鏌ヤ腑鍙戠幇锛屾壆婕斺?濂充富澶栤?杩欎竴瑙掕壊鐨勫コ鎬э紝浠庝簨IT銆佷繚闄┿?椁愰ギ鏈嶅姟绛変竴浜涚粡钀ユ?銆侀珮鏀跺叆鐨勮涓氳緝澶氥?杩欎簺瀹跺涵涓紝涓堝か鐨勬敹鍏ヨ繙杩滀綆浜庡瀛愶紝浜庢槸涓堝か骞茶剢杈炶亴锛屽洖瀹跺共璧蜂簡鈥滅浉濡绘暀瀛愨?鐨勬椿銆?br />
According to sociologist analysis, "Mr. full-time" phenomenon is largely has the following 3 reasons:

The first is a strong devotion to his wife, higher income, better job prospects for development, no time to take care of the family, the lower the husband's income from work or the workplace will not ring true.

The second is his wife a long time, women may feel tired of the family, eager to return to work, then urged her husband, "rotation", the husband shall not be subject to "organize distribution."

绗笁绉嶆槸涓堝か鐨勫伐浣滆緝涓鸿嚜鐢辩嫭绔嬶紝鍦ㄥ灏卞彲鈥滃伐浣滃鍔′袱涓嶈鈥濓紝涔愬緱鏈夎緝澶氱殑鏃堕棿鐓ч【瀹朵汉銆?br />
Experts believe that, in contemporary, progressive women in the economy plays an important role in the development of more extensive space, while they become less time at home. Many men's understanding of life becomes more diverse, not just the pursuit of career success. According to the actual situation of some couples begin to consider the family a more economical and rational division of labor, on the family business.


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Friday, July 2, 2010

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Support DVD to MP4, H264
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Support customize Zune profile configuration
Automatically shutdown computer after long time conversion
Easy-to-use interface
Allows you to select target subtitle and audio track
Output profile is adjustable, you can compress movies to any size and quality you need

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